Monday, January 18, 2016

366 Days of Awesomeness - January 18, 2016

 Sister Wright with a page from the Disney Calendar we sent her

Hello and happy P-Day friends and family! I hope everyone has had a happy and warm week! Brewer has been good to us despite the blizzard (and I'm not saying that as an Arizona girl who doesn't know winter, Sister Daughety and I think it was a legitimate blizzard this last Saturday that we had the pleasure to walk in and shovel). I actually wish I could have gotten pictures but when you're on the Lord's time you don't have a lot of time to take pictures so I will try to get better at taking pictures during lunch and P-Day. But the Brewer Crew is definitely staying warm. Something that always warms my heart is the mail and emails from you friends and family from home and just, again, wanted to say thank you! Again, being on the Lord's time doesn't give me a lot of time to write you all individually but know that I really appreciate all the prayers and warm wishes. So without further ado, here is week 14 of Sister Wright's adventures in Brewer!
Monday was pretty great because Sister Daughety and I finally got the apartment clean from post-Christmas madness. Not that we had decorations still up but all our new stuff was still cluttered around the apartment. And with the apartment still being so new relative to other missionary apartments we took time to organize things like the kitchen for future sisters so that was good.
We were warned Monday that Tuesday evening we would be hit with 6-12 inches of the white stuff. Tuesday our plans were we were going to be out and about in Hampden (pronounced Ham-den, like pterodactyl the P is silent) so we took lunch to eat where ever we could find a place to park the car. We saw a sign for a community library that seemed like a good place to rest. Sister Daughety almost died as we drove up the hill to the library because it was so pretty. We think it was a really fancy house before it was a library which was pretty rad. And that was pretty much our highlight of that day. It was funny, with the oncoming storm all the locals were worried and locked in for the night pretty early. Us missionaries were out at 8 pm watching this "storm" as it barley dusted our van. I think it's more funny to see how casual I've become with snow. Instead of panicking and cringe every time I see it come I just cringe and bundle up and face Jack Frost. 
Wednesday was District Meeting and the final one before the worldwide missionary broadcast this Wednesday which I'm really excited about. We did other missionary things during the week like teach people, visit a member in the hospital, and shovel. Missionary work is definitely really exciting when you have no idea what to expect, especially weather wise. But it goes well, and it's weird how the cold actually softens people's hearts because they feel bad for us. Oh Mainers.
I honestly don't know what else to write about this week. Today actually marks 366 days (because leap year) until I come home! I can't believe how quickly time has gone by. Its hard to believe I have been in Brewer longer than I have been in Manchester, and total I have been on the mission for six and half months. It has been the hardest but also happiest times ever to teach people about the gospel and do that by growing my own testimony. And Sister Daughety and I are having fun despite the cold weather neither of us are used to. We also might not be friends Sunday because the AZ Cardinals are playing the Carolina Panthers. We will keep you posted (but pray for the Cardinals). Well, may we all continue to have a happy, warm, and safe week! Love and miss you all!
Sister Wright

Picture of the Hampden, Maine Library that Mom stole from the internet

From the care package her family sent her

"Whoopie Pie Cafe is life!"

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