Monday, March 14, 2016

Discomfort - March 14, 2016

Hello and Happy Monday/Pi Day. Wow has this past week been crazy. Not crazy as it was last week (which was crazy-weird in the bad way), but crazy how we saw the Lord's hand in our work and efforts. That's not to say this past week has been the best week ever but on the scale of good weeks, definitely on the positive side. 
So this week was really rainy (New England mud season is definitely a real thing. After emails, I'm buying rain boots) which also meant the weather is warming up. Like way up. Like in the 70's-near 80's on Wednesday up. Honestly, no complaints here from the Arizona girls. It was so nice and there were so many people out! Things I've noticed, people go with the weather. People tend to be warmer when the weather is warmer so this week we caught a lot of people and set up a lot return appointments. Honestly, it was a huge blessing.
I guess I haven't updated the world on this but I have been driving for a month and that' so interesting. Sometimes I love driving in New England because the speed limits stay relatively low (I am not a speed demon) but other times it's kinda frustrating like when I can't see things and I drive into/through a curb. Or into a snowbank. Yeah, I've done that haha but I haven't killed me or Sister DeWidt yet so I must not be doing too bad, right?
Sorry, the report for this week is really scattered and random, but Thursday I had a real New England boiled dinner/corned beef and cabbage. Final verdict: Pretty good, but maybe because it wasn't "properly" done because all the vegetables and meat were served separately. But I liked it so yum.
Also since we are getting rid of the DVD players in the missionary apartments out here I decided to catch up on all the fun FHE movies I never saw growing up like The Testaments and Legacy. Final verdict: Not too sad I missed them in my childhood. Some acting was better than others, but I will say I liked The Testaments more than Legacy.
And I guess I can wrap up the review for this week with an awesome experience we had with a sister we're working with. We saw her two weeks ago and during that lesson we really felt like we were bugging her and that she didn't like us coming over, letting us in to be polite sort of thing. We gave it a shot this weekend though and called her to try to see her again this week and she agreed to have us over. Needless to say we were pretty scared to see where this would go: And it went great! Somehow we got on the topic of movies and tv shows we all liked (which probably isn't the best missionary moment). It really helped us to get along with her and I was really glad we saw her.
In conclusion (how I promised I would never end any professional essay) I know the Lord blesses us when we are uncomfortable. I know that is a testimony I have shared multiple times on my mission but it is true. A former companion taught me this gospel is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. I know my time in Somersworth has been very uncomfortable but I have learned so much here, I can hardly believe I've been here over a month. I can hardly believe three years ago I was on Trek with so many people I still know and love today. Two years ago I was helping with the Gilbert Temple Cultural Celebration, sharing with the Prophet Thomas S. Monson my love of the gospel. A year ago I was putting in my mission papers, awaiting for this time in my life. I guess what I'm getting at is you have no idea how the Lord will help you grow over time. Like I've learned from my favorite parable from the October 2015 General Conference: "No, it doesn’t happen instantly, but honestly, how many good things do? Seems to me that the best things, like homemade bread or orange marmalade, take patience and work." May we all remember that through Christ we can change for the better (Wicked plays softly in the background). 
Sister Wright
PS I also Mulan-ed my hair. Yeah I did the typical Sister Missionary thing. 

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