Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Lucky Number 7 - November 28, 2016

"Happy Holidays from LL Bean"

                    Hello and Happy Monday friends and family and anyone else who has happened to find my blog through NHMM means (seriously, in the last month I have had two people comment on finding my blog trying to find stuff about the NHMM and now I feel obligated to write to a more general audience). Life has been pretty great here in Saco. The snow last Monday didn't stick and the temperatures have been in the 40's so I can't complain much. Actually, it did snow a bit on Thanksgiving but that didn't stick either so again, no room to complain. By the way, Thanksgiving was this week. I will tell you all now Sister Lescarbeau and I had a good time with good meals so need to worry for us there.
                    We also got to see a few miracles along the week and have already started to share the #LIGHTtheWORLD campaign with everyone! These next seven weeks are going to be super exciting and I am excited to tell you about this last one!
                    So last Monday a little miracle we had was we were finding people before a lesson we had at that evening. We went to the person we were originally trying to finds door (literally climbing over a little dog gate) only to get no answer. We then started to drive away before we both felt we needed to talk to someone we saw walking their dog on that same road. By the time we parked the car and tried to race after the dog walker he had turned into his house but we felt the need to keep walking and we did, running into someone who was taking a break from her personal assistance job. She was really friendly and asked us a lot of questions. It was a cool testimony of persevering in finding even when the person you originally tried to find isn't there.
                    Tuesday our biggest event was being able to teach one of our investigators named Kayla (remember, we have three) and as always answer questions about baptism. She is so cool! I will never regret asking to give her son a sticker!
                    Wednesday I surprisingly remember a lot more about, mostly because we did some really cool things. Like we felt really tech savvy by Skyping into our district meeting that was being held in Cornish. We then "left" early so we could have a Thanksgiving lunch with some members in an assisted living home. Clara (the one we ate with) was so excited to have us and the meal was pretty good too. While stopping by the apartment to get changed and borrow some rakes from our landlord, he showed us his basement food storage, and basically he is ready for the apocalypse. I know where I want to be if I am going to need food in the future. Or if the apocalypse happens within this next week I know I am all set. And then we raked leaves for a sister in the ward who needs a lot of help and we are teaching her care assistant so yeah. We also ran into Dave at the grocery store when we were grabbing some milk for the week. Wednesday was pretty busy.
                    THANKSGIVING THURSDAY was pretty cool. We started the day at the church we normally serve food at for Thursday dinners and served a community Thanksgiving meal. IT had a fairly large turnout for both guests and volunteers. They also served little boiled onions that smelled awful. But the rest of the meal seemed great! People were so appreciative of how above and beyond we went to help them. We didn't help there long though because we had our first meal at 1 with a less active member and her family and friends. Basically it was my first "non-member" Thanksgiving because when they pulled out the alcohol I realized sobriety sometimes isn't always a Thanksgiving tradition. But they were respectful when we said no. And we didn't stay long because we had another member meal appointment after that with a member, her mother, and husband. They were all characters and the food was great. She also has a really cool Christmas tree that has all animated ornaments and they can be synced together through the tree to light up with the music from one ornament. Truthfully, I missed Thanksgiving at home with the Macy's parade and family at the cultural hall but this was a pretty good last Thanksgiving as a missionary. Frankly I don't remember what happened much of Friday besides seeing Kayla again.
                    We were able to see another one of our investigators and his wife (who generally hasn't been interested in learning or even being around when we're over) and shared the #LIGHTtheWORLD video and they really liked it! They both really like helping people in general and want to help participate this December in serving others.
                    Saturday we decided to stop by some other investigators we hadn't seen in a while and invite them to church the following Sunday (our sacrament service was going to be centered on the basics of the church). After doing all we could this week we expected two of our three Kaylas to come but in the end only the investigator we stopped by on Saturday named Peggy came! She loved the service though and we were definitely excited to see her.
                    And that leads us up to today where we went up to Freeport for a doctor's appointment but somehow ended up by the LL Bean store and getting pictures of the big Bean boot... and stopping in Portland to get Chipotle... Just another fun P-Day I guess. Well I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving breaks and haven't had a hard time going back to the grind. Remember this Thursday is the world-wide day of service, so get some things planned today to #LIGHTtheWORLD! Have a good week!
Sister Wright 

"Comp photo"

"The big Bean boot outside of the LL Bean store in Freeport"

"Sister L was excited"

"Wicked Whoopies in Freeport. We didn't go in"

"My favorite...again" (Chipotle!)\

"Our friend Gremlin Cat"

"His real name is Snaggletooth because of his tooth"

"I cut up an old cereal box as an activity version of the Light the World advent calendar"

"So each day will open a door to a lifesaver"

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